There are so many wonderful yoga practices that can enhance our lives. How do you know which ones to embrace and which to set aside? How can you know which ones will help you the most this year? Which practices will help you become a better teacher? Using your intuition can help. There are yoga practices and journaling exercises that can help you tap into what your deeper self is craving this year. In this class, we will practice them to help us set intentions that soothe the soul for our yoga practice and our yoga teaching.
I may also talk a little bit about the astrology happening this year and how it may affect your teaching by looking at your birth chart.
We will also discuss what courses we would like to study this year and schedule them. This will help us choose courses that align with our intentions.
How to Register
The cost for the Yoga Life Club Monthly Meetings is $20 per meeting or $150 for an Annual Membership for one year of Yoga Life Club Monthly Meetings (the next consecutive 10 classes), which is a $50 savings.
You can purchase an Annual Membership for $150 at the link below. After you have purchased a Yoga Life Club Annual Membership, there is nothing more you have to do. Jill will automatically register you for each meeting:
You can also sign up for any individual Yoga Life Club Monthly Meeting for $20 by going here: