Vedic Astrology Readings and Courses

There are three ways you can learn about Vedic Astrology and how you can use it to guide your life:

  • Schedule a Vedic Astrology Reading

    • This is the easiest and fastest way to learn about Vedic Astrology. You can read more about the types of reading I do and how to schedule a reading below.

  • Take Vedic Astrology Courses

    • You can see all of the upcoming online and in-person Vedic Astrology courses that I am teaching this year on my teaching schedule page.

    • I also can teach you the course material privately. If you are interested in setting up a private session to learn more about Vedic Astrology, schedule a reading and note the Vedic Astrology topics you wish to study. You can read more about how to schedule a reading below.

  • Purchase Vedic Astrology Planners and Planning Tools

About Vedic Astrology Readings

The best and quickest way to learn about Vedic Astrology and your chart is to get a private reading with me. 

I do readings over the phone or on Zoom. In all of these readings, I teach you how to read your own chart and teach you about how Vedic Astrology works so that you can track the planets on your own. You will also receive a pdf copy of your chart and an audio recording of our phone call. I also use my knowledge of yoga wisdom and Ayurveda to help you in these readings.

Types of Readings I offer

I recommend that you purchase a two-reading package and start with a reading to learn about your birth chart (who you are, why you are here, and why you struggle with certain things and what to do about it). Then, do a second reading a few weeks later about the next six months to learn about what to focus on this year and each month, what astrological events are coming up, and how to handle them.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn how astrology can help you do that, I recommend getting a two-reading package and scheduling a reading about the next six months (which covers the yearly and monthly productivity cycles) and a productivity reading about planning your day and week (which covers the daily and weekly productivity rhythms). It is good to give yourself a week or two between readings to fully digest the information.

After your initial set of readings, I recommend that you get a next six months reading every six months or year to stay updated on the latest astrological shifts and events and how they will affect you.

It is also good to get reading anytime you are confused or struggling with something. A Vedic astrology reading can help you make sense of the situation and figure out what to do next.

Then, do any other readings that will help you right now or that seem fun! If you are not sure which type of reading to do, schedule a Check-in Reading, where I will answer any questions you have about your life.

The Types of readings I offer are below. Click on the name of the reading below to read more about it.

  • This type of reading can help you understand who you are: your purpose, what drives you, what you were born to do, what will make you happy, what you struggle with and why. It can also help you understand the reason for each piece of who you are and how to make the most of it.

  • This reading can help you understand what this time in your life is for (what areas of life are supported now and where there are opportunities to grow) and how to best use the planetary energies pulling at you now. It can also explain why you feel the way you feel now and tell you what is likely to happen in the future. It is good to get this reading every 6 months, every year, or whenever you feel lost.

    Bonus gift with every 6 month reading: A calendars that will help you track the movements of the planets over the next 6 months so you can see what houses/areas of life to focus on this year and each month based on your Sign. This is what I use to plan my month and my year.

  • Understand the bigger cycles of your life and how they will progress over the next decade and over your lifetime. You will learn what you will want to focus on each year in the next decade: which years you will want to rest and which years bring opportunities for love or career success. You will also get a sense of your own rhythm of working and resting that repeats over and over again in your life.

    Bonus gift with every Plan Your Decade Reading: A planning worksheet that will help you track the movements of the planets over the next decade and see what houses/areas of life they will affect each year based on your Sign. This worksheet is what I use to plan my year and decade.

  • Learn how to plan your day, week, or daily schedule and routines using Vedic Astrology.

    If you want to increase your productivity and learn how astrology can help you do that, I recommend getting a two-reading package and scheduling a reading about the next six months and a productivity reading about planning your day and week.

    The Moon changes signs every 2.5 days, which changes how you feel and what you are in the mood for. When you start tracking these changes, you can predict which times during the week and month you will be super productive and when to schedule rest. You will also identify the best days for planning and learning based on your chart.

    This reading comes with worksheets you can use to plan your time.

    Note: Please specify what aspect of productivity you would like to focus on during our reading in the “Additional Notes” section when you schedule your reading.

    Choose from the following: planning your week, planning your day and daily schedule, designing your routines, or general tips for understanding how you work and how to be more productive.

  • You can also use astrology to help you figure out your ideal career, navigate career transitions, or do business planning. Identify your challenges and strengths and how you can overcome them. We will also take a look at where income and success come from according to your chart. Then you will know which business tasks are worth doing and which ones are a waste of time for you. A reading can also help you identify ideal times to launch and market your offerings.

  • A relationship reading can help you understand your loved ones, how to support them, why you clash, and why you get along. It can also help you get closure on a past relationship.

    It is great to do a reading about your romantic partner/spouse, kids, or parents. A reading about family dynamics between parents and children can also be incredibly insightful.

    Note: You don’t need to know the time someone was born to do a relationship reading. You just need to know their birth date ( with year) and birth town. But having the birth time does help!

  • Locational Astrology readings help you understand how a place affects you. Some locations bring out the best in us and some places feel uncomfortable to be in. Some places are great for our career and others are great places to relax or be inspired. A Locational Astrology reading can help you understand why that is. You can use a Locational Astrology reading to figure out ideal vacation spots or possible places to move to or retire to (and which areas to avoid) and when would be a good time to go there. You can use it to better understand areas from your past and why you felt that way when you were there or use it to look at areas you tend to find interesting, such as why you are fascinated by books from England or art from Japan. You can also do a Locational Astrology reading to redecorate your home and figure out the best place for your office (similar to Feng Shui) or to find the best locations in your hometown. A birth chart reading tells you the who, what, how, and why. A next six months reading tells you when. Locational Astrology tells you the where.

  • Get answers to any questions or concerns you have. If you’re having a tough time, feel lost, or just want to talk about aspects of your chart more deeply, request a Check-In Reading. We will go over any questions you have and you will get valuable insight and support for what you are going through. Choose this if you don’t know what reading is best for you.

Cost of a Reading

  • One 60-minute reading is $100.

    • I think everyone should be able to get regular readings. So, to make it affordable for those with financial hardships, I offer readings for $75.

  • Two Reading Package Discount: $150 for two readings (a $50 discount!). This is a great option if you are interested in taking a deep dive into your chart with me. You can spread these readings out over a year or do them all right away to explore your chart deeply- it’s your choice. You can choose any combination of the readings listed above.

How to Schedule a Reading

  1. Decide if you want to buy one reading or a two-reading package.

  2. Schedule your reading using my online scheduling page.

  3. On the scheduling page, choose a date and time for your reading. Click on the time you want and click continue.

    • If none of those days or times work for you, contact me and I will send you some alternative dates. I do have daytime hours.

    • If you have an urgent need for a reading, contact me and I will send you dates for the next week or so. I want to be there for you if you are going through a hard time.

  4. On the next page, fill out the form and pay for your reading.

    • Special Instructions if you are using your two reading package or a gift certificate: At the bottom of that form right above the Pay Now Button, you will see a box that says redeem coupon code or gift certificate. Click that and enter either your email address or the coupon code from your gift certificate email. Then click apply. That will pay for the reading.

  5. Then, click “Complete Appointment” and you are done.

Give a Vedic Astrology Reading as a Gift

Vedic Astrology readings also make great gifts! You can purchase gift certificates for readings below. Click the button below and fill out the form with your information (name, phone, email address) and if possible, in the “Notes to Business” section, write the name of the person you plan to give the gift certificate to. After you purchase the gift certificate, you will get an email with a coupon code that you can print out and give to a loved one.