Learn how to nourish yourself in deep ways. Enjoy a full day of meditation, philosophy talks, chanting, and other practices that help you connect to your deepest heart and set intentions aligned with what your soul is craving. Intentions that come from the root of who you are are deeply satisfying and have a way of coming true in profound ways. Plus, you will learn powerful new practices that will support your meditation practice, which will help you with your dreams for the new year. Practicing in a group is so powerful. It is a great way to jump-start and deepen your meditation and get a little taste of what a longer meditation retreat would feel like!
This class will be taught online on Zoom. An option to attend in person may also be available. Location TBD.
At this meditation gathering, we will be practicing Neelakantha Meditation as taught in Blue Throat Yoga. In order to come, you must have learned the practice of Neelakantha Meditation. There is still time to learn the practice in a private session with Jill before the one-day retreat. Contact Jill to schedule a private session.